Diagnose Network Problems In A Container Using The Filesystem

So you need to figure out why you application is not working, but your toolset is very limited because you are using either a minimal installation of Linux or you are in a container. This technique should work either way.

You can use the /dev filesystem to check network connections.

Example 1:
You would like to know if you can reach the host on port 443.

if $((echo > /dev/tcp/$ip/$port) &>/dev/null)
then echo "TCP port $port is open"
else echo "TCP port $port is closed"

The above command will you the answer.

You can also write this as a one-liner

ip=;port=443; (echo > /dev/tcp/$ip/$port) &>/dev/null && echo "TCP port $port is open" || echo "TCP port $port is closed"

Example 2:

You would like to know what connections are being made to and from the container or host, but you do not have netstat.

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